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Our Mission

Creating Superhero Scholars

"To inspire young men and women to become successful STEM leaders within our community by engaging individuals in compelling and exciting hands-on opportunities with robots and technology."

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First, we


Avenger Robotics believes first and foremost in making learning fun. FIRST Robotics is an experience of a lifetime. FIRST competitions create positive environments of learning, play, and relationship building.

Next we


AvengerRobotics runs on volunteers. The African proverb "it takes a village to raise a child" has never been more true. Robotics is a team effort for the students, and more importantly, those who want to see them succeed.


Then Predict

Our Impact

FIRST alumni are 2.6 times more likely to enroll in engineering as college freshmen, and over 75% more likely to be in a STEM field as a student or professional. AvengerRobotics has had 10 alumni since the start of the team in 2018.



Volunteer Hours


Girls in STEM events with 120 in attendence


STEM nights


Elementary School Teams Mentored

VEX IQ Competitions Volunteered at

Middles school VEX matches ran



Vex IQ events


Vex-IQ teams in attendance 

AvengerRobotics has many outreach events to give back to our community, to spread awareness of FIRST, and to emphasize the importance of social service to team members. We provide more than 1,000  hours of total community outreach each year. We are always looking for more opportunities to give back, so get in touch if you have ideas or opportunities!

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